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Throughout my four years of my undergraduate career, I have learned the importance of globalization. Globalization is the expansion of cultures, trading of political and economic standpoints, and exchange of knowledge. During my first year of undergrad, I did not appreciate the significance of gaining global learning experiences. After taking different Global Learning classes, attending Global Learning Medallion events, and conducting a Capstone research project, I now understand the influence of global learning. I engaged in meaningful conversations with my peers about the parallels of local and international affairs, trends, and systems. I have gained perspectives about global issues and how the government and the people influence decisions by watching professionals lecture about different topics. I now question ideas by communicating with professors, mentors, and other undergraduate students. Challenging the norms and communicating complex ideas in settings such as conferences or debates allows for students like me to thoroughly and actively question issues that I once saw as irrelevant.

My plans to become a physician should not only include the basic of biology, chemistry, or medicine, but it should include the values of the patients. The Global Learning program has enhanced my perceptions of communities outside of Miami and outside of the United States. I have learned to actively collaborate with diverse individuals to infer about complex global issues. In my major, not many biology students understand the importance of global learning and how it can affect research or health related political issues. Raising global awareness should be a priority in universities as it has changed my viewpoints on my community, my country, and the world at large. Through the Global Learning Medallion program, I now want to continue my investigations in global health, leading me to become a well-rounded physician.

Reflection: Text
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